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mirjaek's reviews
113 reviews
Waiting for God by Simone Weil
Tror aldrig en bok utmanat mig så mycket innan. Tvingades på allvar reflektera över saker som jag har sett som självklara hela mitt liv och tänka över min egna livsfilosofi (i överlag tvingades jag fundera över om jag ens hade någon livsfilosofi). Även om jag inte håller med Weil på alla punkter så blev den här boken ovärderlig för mig. Ser fram emot att läsa Tyngden & Nåden härnäst.
Global Economic History by Robert C. Allen
The book, as the title suggests, is a good introduction to global economic history. I read this for a class about the subject and I felt the book provided me with quite a good base knowledge on the subject. Now I do personally find economics history quite boring, but I cannot fault the book for that. Overall a good, short book about the subject.
The only real critique I can come up with is that Allen tends to be a bit eurocentric in the facts he provides and topics he discusses in the book. Allen also tends to be a bit one-sided when studying events such as the industrial revolution, mainly focusing on all its positives. But I can understand why the author would keep it simple for a book like this.
The only real critique I can come up with is that Allen tends to be a bit eurocentric in the facts he provides and topics he discusses in the book. Allen also tends to be a bit one-sided when studying events such as the industrial revolution, mainly focusing on all its positives. But I can understand why the author would keep it simple for a book like this.
The French Historical Revolution: The Annales School, 1929-1989 by Peter Burke
A good summary of the Annales school of history. Chronologically confusing at times and also might contain a bit too much of the authors own opinions, but not to the degree that it negatively impacts the book in its entirety.