queenofegypt's reviews
172 reviews

Gilded Wings by Jaymin Eve

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I have to say this was the best book I could have picked up to start the new year! I loved how much I could relate to the character, her best friend and their divine love for books. I'd die for a library like Dragerfield - including the cheeky night fae parties!

I've never dived directly into something going ' Hey this is exactly what I would do ' SO HARD. I loved it. Cannot wait for the second book!
Beautiful Devils by Eva Ashwood

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I honestly wasn't expecting to deep dive into a new series so soon but shit I'm glad I did because SPOILERS I WAS NOT EXPECTING OLIVIA TO BE X HOLY LORDY THIS B$TCH
They Will Fall by Rachel Leigh

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I have such a love for series like this. It's dark, it's depraved it's delicious. Dive into this world, you won't regret it
Captured Fate by Eva Chase

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Oh come on. I'm so invested in this, who is Mr B and why is he annoying me so much already!!!