sandyreadsromance's reviews
838 reviews

The Bribe by Devney Perry

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I very much enjoyed this small town, these characters and story. Even though this is older, it’s still her same writing and formula but it’s for that reason that I loved it. 

Duke,Duke, Duke….I love, love,love. Such a perfect specimen of a man. He’s kind hearted. Gives so much to others. Time to kids who are not his. Woo! 

I’m in this small town with some mystery/suspense era right now. I can’t get enough. 
This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan

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Kennedy Ryan does it again! She wrote an amazing love story. It was mostly about Soledad loving herself. After being in a marriage, that didn’t give her any worth that disrespected her that made her feel belittled. I absolutely agree with her, needing to figure out who she wanted to be figure out what she needed and to love herself before she could give her whole heart to someone else. I thought this was done beautifully!

But Mr.Judah Cross… that man! The chemistry between the two but the odd situation in which they met, made it difficult or solid that to even consider him being in her life. But the wonderful man he is who has a great relationship with his ex-wife and they raise their twin boys who both have ADD so you can imagine the heart and the patience that he has and he gives solid that all the time in the world to do what she needs to do and that he would wait. 

When I say slow burn, I mean slowwwwwwww! This is a different kind of journey. This is not strictly just a man meets woman romance. This is a heartbreaking/I am woman hear me roar type of story.

So why not a full five stars? Yes, OK so I did want more of Judah and Soledad. Maybe we’ll get a Novella to see how that’s going because it’s an HEA but not your typical HEA.
Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark

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This was a good start to the mafia series. Aida it’s freaking crazy though. She comes up with the craziest plans she gets herself into trouble and is very perfect for Callum. They are such opposites, but they compliment each other. 

What she does on their wedding day was brutal! But the way she never gives up and is always there in the most awkward and tight situations, she figures things out.

The way the story started off I didn’t think that Aida could ever come up with a plan or a way to make up for what she did to Callum‘s heirloom but once again she does something so amazing. It was so heartfelt.

So again, it was a great start to a mafia romance, and I can’t wait to find out more about these two families. 
Rebel Witch by Kristen Ciccarelli

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I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it.

I think I can count on one hand, perfect duology books! This hands-down is on that list. I started this book last night and went on well into the morning until I had to stop and finished it today.

This is absolutely true enemies to lovers. Gideon and Rune are my favorite couple. My heart stopped at the end. I didn’t know if this book had a happy ending or what I was not sure you could never tell nowadays with these books.
It had me screaming at them like talk to each other communicate with each other tell each other how you feel, but they kept thinking otherwise they kept thinking everything was a trap. Everything was fake, and it just kept hurting my heart. 

So this is the conclusion of the Crimson moth and as you know from book one, Cressida has a plan to come and take over once again having the witches rule everything. Gideon had one thought after losing his brother of course he not only blamed Christa cause she pulled the trigger, but also blamed Rune because he was there because of her. So he just wants revenge and he goes to enemy territory to un alive Rune and be done. 

He gets caught and you find out more of the story of Crisseda and Gideon. But that’s not all there’s so much more you find out about Rune and her family. About Serafina more background about the witches, the endgame information. You get some pass that Gideon has but all in all it was perfection for me! 
Sick Bargain by Nordika Night

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Ahhh Ramiel and Keegan!!!

“There’s no longer a Krypt if there isn’t a hero.”

I know that this is not the ideal MM romance. There’s not much of a meat cute and this story is very dark. It’s morally black character and it’s sick and twisted and I know a lot of people are not gonna see this as something good but I enjoyed every last bit of this story. 

I was so invested in the plot of the story and I’m super interested on this colt like living in this town that has basically its own rules. I mean, there’s an actual coat or several, but Vile is its own community that people respect/are scared of. 

The way both characters developed throughout the story and I mean like about the way, they view the world how they viewed feelings and how they viewed their future was actually beautiful. 

Ramiel’s family story is pretty crazy. The twists in this story had me like WHAT?! But I am super invested, and I need to know the stories of the rest of the Vile boys!
Sally's Lament by Mari Mancusi

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I loved it! Epilogue tear up. This was super cute. Enjoyed every bit of it. 
Canadian Boyfriend by Jenny Holiday

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I wanted to love this book so bad! I really loved the idea of a teen girl who meet a guy and make him up in her head as her fake boyfriend for years when she only met him once. 

A couple of things that got me through the book was the narration. I listened to this through audible, and I loved both the female and the male narrators.  The other is the deep topics eating disorders, emotional abuse… Etc. and it was done well. That is what kept me invested in the book.

I was so done with Aurora calling Mike’s full name throughout this entire book. I get it when she’s saying “my Canadian Boyfriend “ when writing in her diary/journal because she’s a teen and she doesn’t have a name but when she meets Mike and when talking about him Mike Martin over and over…too much. 
I’m also not a huge fan of third act breakups but they don’t bother me that much. Just depends on the reason and I don’t feel like Mike had a valid reason to be angry about a teen girl journal and I don’t think that Aurora even explained herself well enough.  

This was just OK for me.
The Chase by Elle Kennedy

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This was a buddy read and listen and OMG we had an amazing time! We absolutely loved the off-campus series so getting back into that world with Briar U brought back so many wonderful memories from the first series. 

Fitzy finally gets his book and he gets with Mr. player himself, Dean’s sister. And boy or boy is she a spitfire! I love Summer and Brenna her new BFF. The cameos from previous characters always love when they pop in in a book. 

So many things you can relate to in this book the way Ella touched on dyslexia and ADHD and also trauma from a divorce and SA. It was all done so well and you still had your lighthearted moments between Fitzy and Summer and of course Mike Hollis you cannot forget Mike Hollis because he was stealing the show!

I was a little sad that the Hunter situation did not get resolved, but maybe we will get some resolution in books 2,3 or 4?

Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan

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I don’t know why I waited so long to read books written by Kennedy Ryan. Every time I read her books, I go through an emotional roller coaster. I always love the characters and the story she tells feel so real. I cry when they cry. I hurt when they hurt. They become my friends, my family.

Her stories are super addictive. This story is about love, having big dreams, losing your way from each other, thinking you can move on, working through so much hurt just to try to find each other again in the end.

Yasmen and Josiah had a beautiful dream to be together forever. Have a family have a business together, and they start off that way, but after some unexpected tragedy, they decide to divorce. They have two kids. They are coparenting. Both tried to go on dates and try to move on, but they still have so much love for each other. They just have a hard time getting past the hurt.

People don’t understand how important it is to have someone to talk to to be able to go to a therapist and not feel like your weak.

I loved it so much. I don’t know. I have so many things to say about this book and I can’t wait to continue on in the series. 
Six Scorched Roses by Carissa Broadbent

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This was part of the Nyaxia world, I didn’t want it to end. Lilith and Vale. Her sass and his grumpiness was great tension and chemistry! 

I don’t know what role they have in book 2, but I can’t wait!