An interesting premise that grew increasingly frustrating as the book went on. The fantasy element was pretty much non-existent, which I could overlook if the political intrigue that made up most of the plot were executed better. The book has a heavy handed message about all power being corrupt but it's so sloppily done that it leaves you unconvinced, even if you agreed at the beginning.
It's not quite as charming as the first but still a lovely winter read. Sometimes, it feels like it's repeating plot beats from the previous novel, and it drags a bit near the end. The book, though, is really about enjoying the characters' company, and I loved spending time with them in this world again. Truly a lovely way to spend a snow day.
A great meditation on what the craft of writing, what makes a good writer, as well as a look at the career of Ray Bradbury. I would suggest having read at least Fahrenheit 451, Dandelion Wine, and Something Wicked This Way Comes before reading as they are referenced frequently throughout.