In book 2, we continue to follow the career of Dani Truehart. She embarks on a worldwide fresh off the success of her first album. She deal with all of the ups and downs that come with fame.
Again this was a fantastic read, and I was compelled to read through the story, needing to know what happened. Following Dani's ups and down gives a real insight into the music world, and it really had me questioning is fame such a good thing at a young age.
I did find Dani's character a lot less likeable in this story due to some of the decisions that she made, you can see why she made them and how fame and the celebrity status has influenced those actions. Despite this, you are still rooting for her throughout. I think that's a testament to the writing to write a character in such a way that you both like and dislike them.
Honorable mentions to the other characters that I loved - Grandma, Geena, Terrance, Sean and Lauren!
Dishonorable mention to the character I continued to dislike greatly - Mom
Writing style wise, again this I felt was geared towards more of a teen than the YA side but it was still a great read.
Book 2 ended on such a cliffhanger that I need book 3 ASAP 😂
Throughout this book I was taken back to my teenage years, when I was a ridiculously massive Justin Bieber fan, I can see massive similarities between that and this story. Mainly the extreme obsessiveness of the fans. The massive crowds of fans, how reactive they were online, and how they responded to anyone who critiqued their 'idol'.
This is book one of The Rise and Fall of Dani Truehart series.
We follow Dani, a fifteen year old girl who is focused on forging a career as a pop star. She has got pressure from her mother to make it, creating doubts behind people's motivations. Settling into her new lifestyle we see Dani struggle to adjust to her new life, keeping in touch with her friends and family. We get to see some of the highs and lows of recording a debut album.
This book is a debut and is very well written, it's easy to read and the story flows. The chapters are short which I l find can often keep me more interested. It's a compelling read and I found myself engrossed jn the story.
The characters are complex, there are characters you'll like and a certain one you will probably hate. The author does a very good job of fleshing the characters out and giving them life.
Rising Star offers an insight into the world of pop music and recording albums, and the price that comes with fame.
While I love a good YA book I did find that this book felt a little more geared towards the teen ages but it was still a very enjoyable read.
**I received a copy of Rising Star and Burning Bright to review Burning Bright for the bookstagram tour, my opinion is all my own**
I was giving the arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book is a reverse harem fantasy novel and it does contain some steamy scene. I love me a good fantasy story so was excited to read this.
I loved the story and the characters. The plot and story just seemed quite rushed through the book. I would have liked to have learnt more about the lore, and to see a little bit more world building. The romance also felt kind of rushed, which I believe was the idea the author was going for but just wasn't to my taste.
I love Zada and her friends, Aryn, and Muriel. The characters are interesting. I enjoyed the story between the lycans and the vampires, and why they are the way they are with each other. And combining this battle with the human race makes an interesting turn.
While there were things I wasn't a fan off, I enjoyed this story. I hope to see a bit more lore and world building in the next one. I will be reading the sequel when it's released.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Title: Awakening Author: Lucy A McLaren Genre: Fantasy Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫 (4.5 stars) I was kindly sent an ARC of Awakening in exchange for a review.
First of all, I offer my apologies that it took me longer than anticipated to read this. Do not let that overwrite the fact that I loved this book!
This book is a wonderful debut, I found little to pick fault with.
It's a multi point of view story and once I was acquainted with who was who, I found myself invested in the story, and garnered an emotional connection to three of the characters.
There is drama from the very beginning and a great amount of world and lore building. You know who the bad guys are, you know what they're doing but not why. One of the characters points of view you follow is someone who is on the opposing side and it's interesting to read in comparison to following our two other main characters. There is great character development through the book, especially towards the end. Those you think are the enemy aren't, and those you think are friends aren't. There are some twists and turns in the last third of the book. And, be warned, it does end on a bit of a cliffhanger.
Oh, and a special mention to the two wonderful furry sidekicks in the book!
All in all this was a great read, and I very much need book 2 in my life. I look forward to reading more from this author.