
The Results of Unrequited by Len Webster

heyy_tanakalovesbooks's review

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"We were a failed hypothesis. A failed theory where a solution was a null void. Our experiment did not have the conclusive evidence to save us."

Every time I read the next book of The Science of Unrequited by Len Webster, I always feel like my heart has been hit so hard by a truck. I feel that pain. I feel the pieces of my heart breaking. Every time AJ & Evan continue to leave bruises to my soul. They continue to butcher every part of me. I love every single book in The Science of Unrequited. Even thought my heart breaks, the series absolutely means so much to me. I feel a connection in the beautiful and soulful story. I feel the soul of the characters that hold a dear place in my heart. I feel the heart entrancing writing that captured me from beginning to end. Each book is absolutely spending. But The Results of Unrequited is by my far my favourite. It is funny because this book ripped apart my soul but left a special scar in my heart. Every emotion was laid bare. Every feeling touched me. Every word played a slow and upending tune inside me. The Results of Unrequited resonated me.

The Results of Unrequited is the angsty third book in The Science of Unrequited series. A moving story of broken friendship and fractured love. A soul rending story of pain and hurt. The Results of Unrequited destroyed me. I ugly cried till my stomach hurt. I felt every single emotion till it cut until I bleed. Heart Crushing. Heart Opening. Gut Wrenching. The Results of Unrequited is an incredibly written story of love lost and lost friendship to give a powerful new adult romance that takes you on a brutal journey. I commend Len Webster for giving so much of her emotion and so soul to this amazing story. The writing is exquisite with shards of words that cut me open. Len Webster just knows how to write with feeling. You become trapped in the highs and lows of emotions. The Results of Unrequited are messy. The Results of Unrequited are painful. The Results of Unrequited are soul bleeding. The Results of Unrequited are intense. The Results of Unrequited are heartfelt moments of love that echo and crack inside you. The Results are an experience of blinding hurt.

OMG, AJ & Evan really want to crush my heart. These two have faced so much together to split open your heart. These characters have become so close to me. Like best friends to me. I just want to root for them. I just want their happiness. I will be here sitting it my corner hoping for my happy ending in The Dissolution of Unrequited.

As I write this review, I am a bit teary eyed because The Results of Unrequited trampled on my heart. If you love YA/NA, give The Science of Unrequited a try. You will not regret it all. Trust me.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.

lashea677's review

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Sometimes we have to break our own hearts to realize the importance of what's real. That's the story of AJ and Evan. Through friendship, heartache and betrayal these two soulmates struggled to find their place in each other's lives. Webster takes readers through the confusion of young love to the adult pain of unrequited romance. With brutal honesty she crafts a coming of age series that nixes the fairytale while inspiring the soul.

nadine_booklover's review against another edition

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"Her unrequited love. The love that was poison. The boy who was arsenic to her soul."

Seriously? This best friends to lovers series is slowly killing me with each book where AJ and Evan aren't together. The Result of Unrequited takes us on AJ's journey, after the road trip, after it looked like that they finally got their happy end. Oh dear was I wrong about that. Len Webster mastered the art of spinning a fairy tale about best friends becoming lovers and their rocky journey helps them grow. They are growing with each heart break, preparing them for being the very one person the other deserves and needs.

"Alexandra Louise Parker loved Evan Gilmore more than he ever loved her. She had given him everything ... and he had given her nothing with his silence."

Seeing the way Evan is treating AJ is horrible and heartbreaking. AJ loves Evan so carefree and deeply and it seems that Evan isn't capable of loving AJ the same way. Or so I thought. This book proved me wrong, but not until the very end. So be prepared for a roller coaster of emotions that will make you feel sick.

"Have you ever truly understood the way she looks at you? She only ever looks at the sun that way. And we all know the sun is her favorite star."

The back and forth in time is the part that holds the angst. You'll never get the full picture until the end. Reading those chapters makes your heart ache, it makes you smile, scream, tearing one's hair and at the same time it makes you happy. Because there are great moments of happiness in there. Moments that AJ deserves so much but gets way too little of those.

"He stopped being my best friend the moment I started falling in love with him."

AJ and Evan feel so right even though their journey is more than rocky. However AJ and Landon feel also right. Landon is everything to AJ that Even could never be. So yes deciding between Team Evan and Team Landon is very though and I'm really glad I'm not in AJ's shoes...

"Because love isn't asking someone to give up on their dreams. Love is supporting another's dreams."

The Result of Unrequited is another great book in a series that definitely grew on me. Even though I have less hair than when starting the book, I enjoyed reading every page!

kaydanielsromance's review against another edition

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GAH!! Len Webster what are you doing to me!! First I'm rooting for Aldon (yes, I'm mashing up names and it will all make sense soon, I promise) then I'm rooting for Ajan only to find myself torn and ultimately I find myself rooting for just Alex. At the end of the day she doesn't need anyone in her life to make her happy. What she needs to focus on science, which is what started her on this journey in the first place. How often do women give up their dreams to make men happy? Probably more than we realize, but to see someone happy, to make someone happy isn't it worth it?

What would you give up for love? What would love give up for you?

Len Webster writes this series in a way that has you enthralled from start to finish. The Results of Unrequited was another emotional journey where I was pulled constantly from Team Landon to Team Evan to just plain Team Alexandria. Although now that I'm finished I am swaying towards one team vs another, yet emotionally I'm still wrecked over the entire journey I was just on. GAH!!

Alexandria/Alex/AJ begins the book very happy with her boyfriend Landon Carmichael-wait, what?

"So long as he continued to love, treat her right, and respect her, he would be the last guy she ever loved. Because Landon Carmichael was her everything."

The Solution to Unrequited ended with AJ and Evan together, so back the truck up.

"No one could ever love you the way I could, Alexandrea, Yes, I realized it too late, but what I do know is that no one understands you, loves you, and wants more for you than I do. I'm your soul mate just as you're mine." - Evan Gilmore

Well, that is the soul crushing beauty of how Len Webster writes. You get the now and rewind to the then happenings until bit by bit the pieces fall into place of how Alex's life slowly unravel before you while also crushing your heart. (sobbing) The writing is truly spectacular.

Massachusetts and Connecticut are blissfully happy, which is great, but you find out how Evan and AJ fell apart to make that happen. At the same time the present continues to unfold and eventually Alex has to come to terms with the choices she made. Love doesn't always wait for your future. Love doesn't always like your dreams. What hypotothis can solve unrequited when love doesn't listen? Alex has given up dreams before to love a boy unrequitedly, is she willing to do it again? When will she be worthy to risk everything for and love enough in return? 

"Because that was what she learned from unrequited. That only she could save herself." - Alex Parker

If you don't like cliffhangers, then prepare for the series to continue with another book after this one, The Dissolution of Unrequited.

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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Oh my Gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!

(I'm trying to limit the amount of nasty things I say in this review. I promised myself I wouldn't throw around words like @sshole, d!ckbag, tw@twaffle, or my new favorite dickless turd. All of which I threw at the author in justified rants while reading this book last night.)

If you thought you couldn't possibly love AJ anymore, you are about to be swept away. If you thought that your heart could take what ever the author threw at it, quit while you think you are ahead. I spent 2 weeks avoiding this book. It's funny because I did the same thing with book 2. The fear and uncertainty leave your stomach acid churning, your bruised heart skipping and stuttering, and your mind clutching to perceived notions. I "perceived" this book would gut me and leave me for the scavengers...I was right.

There's no more AJ and Evan.
That one line in the blurb had me backpedaling as far away from this beautiful book as I could get- with my kindle still clutched in my hands. I may be masochist with my ugly cry reading selections but that one line had me paralyzed. Fear it was true and fear I wouldn't know why. So I put my big girl panties on, grabbed tissues, and flipped the page.

I finished it hours later. I'm typing this and I still have the same issues. I look forward to The Dissolution of Unrequited while silently praying I have enough antacids to combat the fear plaguing my body. Because this hopeless romantic is dying for AJ's, excuse me, Alex's happy. She deserves only the best after everything and I'm afraid she won't demand it for herself. Lost among the broken promises and lies, Alex needs to find her footing and stand her ground.

Whether that's with Evan or Connecticut, well, I guess we shall see?

But I could totally introduce you to some ridiculously inappropriate acts of torture and new names for certain characters...if you need help,you know where to find me!!

Len Webster is either the Dr. Nefario (Despicable Me's evil genius) of angst or the Vector (Despicable Me's hopelessly lost villain) of love. I'm just kidding. I had to throw some shade her way after everything she's put me through. No she is an incredibly talented weaver of stories, gifted of love, and magician with words. The meanings behind the titles for these books are so intense. They add an extra layer of rawness. A real descriptive "action" that is the theme for the entire book! It's amazing and honestly I'm at a loss for words.

Yes,I'm going to read Dissolution. Yes, I will probably hide from it once it hits my kindle but we both know that won't stop me from caving in. No because we both know anticipation is part of the charm.

Now that my tears have dried, my concern for AJ still fluttering in my stomach, I can say that this series is a journey I'm so grateful to have taken. Be there with me for the final words...

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

sunmoonangie's review against another edition

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This book is everything. I’ve taken breaks to cry and yell because my emotions would get the best of me. Alex falling in love with science is beautiful. She’s got to find herself again without these two men. As much as Landon hurt her he also loved her. Evan is too good and has broke his heart as much as hers.

ssrosepetal's review against another edition

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I'm gonna be honest, I didn't really want to read this book after I read the blurb. My head was all set with hearing AJ and Evan's happily ever after. So when I got a chance to read the blurb I stopped. My brain didn't want to acknowledge what I was reading. I didn't want to read this book. But I stopped and told myself that I needed to. And as much as every word pained me, I'm glad I did. The first part of the book was rough. It was all from Alex's perspective. She flipped from the present to the past, how she is doing now and what she went through after we left off in the last book. She's now in a relationship with Landon, and as much as the guy is great and all I just never took to him. It wasn't until we got about 50% into the book when we finally hear from Evan and I felt like I could breath a little more. Boy did I want to smack Evan though. He broke AJ! Is it possible that these two friends can find their way back to each other? I mean, seriously if there is one thing I know about this series is that there is NO just AJ and just Evan. There is AJ AND Evan or there is nothing. Landon is the wild card in this whole thing and I have to say he frustrated me. I'm definitely not a fan of his, but I will give him a chance to redeem himself in my eyes. I'm just sad that I have to wait some more to find out what Alex does and how she decides, especially after that ending. I will say, that no matter what I want Alex to do Alex. She needs that and she deserves that! Looking forward to the final book in this series!!!! *I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.*

becsa's review against another edition

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This was a great read and there were so many parts of it that I was not expecting!!

I love Alexandra and there was a huge change in her with regards to what she needed to do. I found that she truly grew up a lot in this book and I am really hoping that she is able to put herself and her own dreams ahead of everyone else’s.

I must admit that I was so mad at Evan in previous books and wanted Alexandra to have nothing to do with him but in this book we saw a different side to him where he acknowledged his mistakes and he wanted Alex to follow her dreams and that he would do anything to prove his love to her.
Initially I was happy with Landon and then he made a huge mistake and I was so mad at him and I am really hoping that Alexandra sticks to her guns with him.

One thing I really liked in this book was how Evan and Alexandra worked on their friendship and how far Evan went to show that he had changed and how much he wanted Alexandra to be happy.

I am really crossing my fingers for certain things in the next book and this book repaired a lot but left me hanging at the end!

reading_with_2_book_lovers's review against another edition

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This author has written a great job. I devoured this book and highly enjoyed it.