
Forgotten Promises by Jessica Lemmon

bookshooksandbeads's review against another edition

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I'm not often taken by surprise by an author when reading something that is slightly different from their previous works. Of course I've come across authors that can write fabulous books in a variety genres, but it wasn't until I read Forgotten Promises that I was completely caught off guard. Although I have only read her Second Chance series, I adore Jessica Lemmon's writing and she has become one of my new favorite contemporary romance authors. When I came across Forgotten Promises, I knew I immediately had to read it. I was in the mood for something darker and, hey, it's Jessica Lemmon! I knew I would be in for a treat. What I didn't anticipate was the heartbreaking journey Tucker and Morgan took me on. While the synopsis does convey the darkness of the book's topic, it still did not prepare me for the beautiful and haunting story. Jessica's writing was phenomenal, as usual. Her characters shattered my heart into a million pieces. Tucker's reluctance towards any sexual desires tore me apart. Morgan's quiet strength and determination to come to his rescue as he once did for her was amazing. I found myself tearing up several times while I read this book. Good thing I finished it in the wee hours in the morning and I could cry without an audience. I loved the raw emotions that run throughout Forgotten Promises. Tucker and Morgan move from the fear of the situation towards a rocky trust with each other before finally falling into a love that is so moving it healed both of them. I hope Jessica writes more darker romance because Forgotten Promises was breathtaking.

I received an ARC copy in exchange for a honest review.

caffeinatedreviewer's review against another edition

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Caffeinated Aspects of Forgotten Promises

  • Love um' or hate um' Lemmon writes characters that get the reader emotionally invested. Tucker Noscalo is one such character. At first glance, he is a rebel and criminal who turned his back on his middle class upbringing, but as Lemmon peeled back his layers, she melted my heart. He will make mistakes that will anger you, but he is redeemable and worthy so read on.

  • Morgan Young is celebrating her twenty-first birthday and everything that can go wrong does. I immediately felt and connected with her. She is a likable character and her interaction with her parents and their confidence in her shows what a level-headed, kind person she is.

  • There is a suspenseful thread as Tucker tries to settle a score with his father. It just so happens his father is Baybrook’s Chief of Police. I loved how Lemmon shed light on crimes by those in authority and how we have preconceived notions about individuals.

  • Tucker decides Morgan and her lawyer father might be able to help him, but he makes some disaster errors in accomplishing that. Some of those actions were hard to swallow, but Lemmon did a good job of allowing their friendship and attraction to one another develop slowly.

  • The romance may have started out all wrong, but I loved how it developed and Lemmon provided a realistic open ending that made me smile.

  • There wasn't a lot of drama. Most of the plot dealt with Tucker actions, getting the truth out, and his personal growth.

  • Lemmon addressed the issues with Tucker in a professional way and avoided the "love heals all" pitfall giving us a much more realistic story.

Decaffeinated Aspects:

  • Tucker’s childhood was dark and some of his experiences may be a trigger for readers or make them uncomfortable. While Lemmon tactfully handles it, sensitive readers should be warned that there is child abuse. 
    SpoilerAssault by his father. It was both physical and sexual abuse.

  • When Tucker sees Morgan his plan is to share his story with her, so that she in turn will seek her father's help. While his cause is just and his actions were not premeditated, how he goes about getting Morgan to listen pushes the line.
    SpoilerTucker kidnaps Morgan to tell her his story.
    As wrong as his first actions were, I should note that despite what occurred I liked Tucker and connected. Lemmon was able to convey just how desperate he was, and he owns his mistake.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

amybosica's review against another edition

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So, I think this is going to be one of those books that you’re either going to love or you’re going to hate. For me, I thought that it was just an ok read. The story started off really promising. When we first meet Morgan, it’s her 21st birthday and her boyfriend has dumped her. If that doesn’t sound bad enough, she finds out that he’s been cheating on her with her best friend. She doesn’t think the day could possibly get any worse. Well, she’s about to find out how much more worse her day can get….Tucker has had a rough life. He’s been in and out of trouble for as long as he can remember. So, of course, when he gets out of jail and tries to seek justice for himself, no one believes him. So, when he runs into Morgan at the gas station, he feels like his luck has finally changed. He makes a terrible, spur of the moment decision. He needs Morgan’s help and will do whatever he has to to not only get her to listen, but to get her to help him. But, with Tucker’s past, will he be able to get Morgan to listen to him; yet alone believe him?

So, I really liked the idea of the story. It was a quick and easy read for me; definitely one that you can finish in one sitting. It was fast paced and told from dual points of view.The synopsis intrigued me, so I thought “Sure, I’ll check this book out”. I thought that the characters were interesting. I felt terrible for Morgan and wanted to slap her ex and ex-best friend. I was curious about Tucker. I wanted to know more about his past and why he was always getting into so much trouble. I was intrigued by the connection between Morgan and Tucker.

Here’s where things went wrong…..Now, normally, I loved when a book is fast paced and just hits the ground running. However, to me, this book felt like it was on a constant fast forward. I didn’t agree with some of the decisions that Tucker made and his treatment of Morgan in the beginning of the story. It made the progression of their relationship seem unrealistic. I had a hard time rationalizing how Morgan could change her tune so quickly. I would have liked to have seen the story move at more of a steady pace; have the characters build more of their relationship. I think I just had a hard time connecting with them. I also would have liked a little more from the ending. Once again, it felt very rushed. I wanted more groveling from Tucker. I just wanted more.

Overall, Forgotten Promises was just an ok read. It was neither a hit or miss for me. I gave it three stars because I did see the potential in the story and even though I did have some issues problems with the story, it still kept my interest. And even though I felt that the romance between Tucker and Morgan was rushed, there still was some sweet and sexy moments. This story does have a bit of angst/drama and of course a few interesting twists along the way. Like I said, I think this is one of those books that is going to be a hit for some and not so much for others. For me, it was just ok.

*I was provided with an ARC copy of this book, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*

romancereadergirl's review against another edition

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I received an ARC through Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Another great Jessica Lemmon bad boy book.

What if the guy that was your hero was a bad boy of circumstance? Morgan put Tucker on a pedastal years ago. Tucker always had some feelings towards Morgan but didn't know what they were. Enter a chance meeting.

Morgan has had the worst birthday a 21 year could have and just wants to get some wine, go home, and get drunk. Tucker has just been released from prison and after a fight with his father goes to a 7-11 to get supplies and regroup. Morgan sees Tucker and says Hi. This starts off a set of events that take these two people down a road that might lead to a love that just might show them they are both good enough.

I can't wait for her new books.

somethinglikefantastic's review against another edition

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Arc kindly provided in exchange of an honest review.

This is my first book from Jessica Lemmon and I loved it!

“She’s light. I’m darkness. I have no way to hide with her near.”

Tucker is a broken man, and I rooted for him throughout the book. I think if we didn’t have his perspective, it would have been a different story. I fell in love with Tucker.
I mean come on who doesn’t love a tortured hero or anti-hero.?

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“I never earned you.”

Oh I swooned like a love sick puppy….

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Tucker has a horrific childhood, and he wants to make it right, and he needs Morgan to do that…. He will do anything to get justice, and I mean anything, and the author has of way of making it okay. Like you do what you have to do man….

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Morgan is a princess or an angel…..
She’s not the spoiled princess we love to hate, more like naïve to the darkness to the world. She has a huge heart. She finds out on her birthday that she no longer has a best friend or boyfriend. She thinks her night can’t get much worse, then she runs into Tucker.

I have no complaints, the writing style was wonderful.
The heat was hot.

There were a lot of surprises in the book that made me love the characters more…
Watching Tucker and Morgan grow was beautiful….

Good stuff

crystal1010's review against another edition

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A troubled man you'll fall in love with, and a girl with more strength than either of them knows she has. These two will pull you in and keep you up late reading. because you have to find out how their story ends. Great book!

cristinasuarezmunoz's review against another edition

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DNF: 32%

Unfortunately, this book didn't work for me. Not even a little bit.

The writing is choppy.

The dialogue feels forced.

I'm all about suspending my disbelief, but the author needs to help in that process.

Considering I recently discovered an author I love through a LoveSwept title, I was hoping this book would make me a fan but sadly, it didn't work out that way.

*Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book.

alwaysbooking's review against another edition

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Received a copy of this book via NetGalley for my honest review.
4.5 Stars!!

First off I have to say I love, love, love everything Jessica Lemmon has written. She crafts her characters so well that you always feel their emotions while reading. The highs the lows and all the in between. I had a couple little I'm not so sure how that's gonna work in this book moments but nothing worth ever putting this book down! It is a New Adult book I believe since the characters are only 21ish.

Just because it is new adult should not make anyone shy away. All I can say is poor Tucker.. his story broke me. I'm surprised he's made it as far as he did. Although he's had great reasons for not giving up. Once he hatches the plan to get Morgan to listen to him so her dad will be on his side the wheels in motion can't be stopped. (Trying to do this without spoilers is so hard!!)

Morgan seems to have a led a semi pampered life. In the beginning of the story she seems very naive of the world and I mean who wasn't at 21. Well except maybe Tucker.. she's having a rough night when she runs into Tucker. Of course she remembers him from school how could she forget him?? (I agree how could she?) Though not in her plans she ends up with Tucker and although he's not being gentle in his demands to listen to him she can't help but want to help the guy who helped her once.

I think in this book I enjoyed Tucker and his revelations more than Morgan. Only because he's been through more so he seems to have to grow more. Since this is new adult books there are "adult" scenes nothing to graphic.

I would highly recommend!!!

amym84's review against another edition

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Tucker Noscalo has had a traumatic childhood to say the least. Newly out of jail, it's not long before Tucker's past catches up with him again and he finds himself on the run from the law. Salvation may come in the form of Morgan Young whose father is a successful attorney. Tucker is determined to get Morgan to hear his story so she can convince her father to represent him. Not wanting to risk her rejection, Tucker takes matters into his own hands. And he won't let his growing feelings for Morgan get in the way of obtaining justice.

Morgan remembers Tucker from high school and how he once helped her out of a bad situation. But her memories of him don't add up to the person she runs into one evening at a convenience store. When she's pulled into Tucker's trouble, and learns things about him she never dreamed possible, she finds herself drawn to the troubled bad boy.

Forgotten Promises is a darker story than what I'm used to reading from Jessica Lemmon. While the books of hers that I have read have all had their fare share heartache, there has always been some levity as well. Forgotten Promises is pretty short on the levity, but regardless of this I still found the writing to be on par with what I've come to associate with Jessica Lemmon. And I think with the subject matter that is involved in Forgottem Promises, Jessica Lemmon went the correct route in treating it with such seriousness.

The thing that didn't work completely for me was the relationship between Morgan and Tucker. Forgotten Promises takes place within a short amount of time. Time in which the characters fall in love with one another. The thing is, it's a rather short read. I just don't think the enormity of their feelings / relationship could have been done enough justice within the pages of the book. I think I would be saying something very different if it was a bit longer and let things develop at a slower pace. There were some great moments between Tucker and Morgan as they're learning about each other and I really love the direction Jessica Lemmon took with the characters towards the end. It all just felt a bit too much, too quickly for me.

Regardless of this, I still enjoyed the book. Jessica Lemmon is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine and right now if it has her name on it, I'm interested.

*Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

norwayellesea's review against another edition

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A heartbreaking and emotional...with a satisfying happy ending.