bahareads's review against another edition

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informative reflective fast-paced


Listened to it on audiobook. I enjoyed it. It was a nice refresher for things I subconsciously knew but haven't been consciously practicing. It was also great to hear how some bible stories should be interpreted in light of community culture, which makes me reflect on the way some of these prominent bible stories are taught in churches.

palegreenshutters's review

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Excellent, excellent reading. I wish there were more specifics, but I think that may take a lifetime to really understand. I also feel like even when we “experience” another culture, it’s kind of like learning a second language: you can understand it, but it doesn’t feel like home the same way.

5/5 highly recommend.

coulterlaura's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


sketch1138's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


seanisfearless's review against another edition

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This is a good book if you are from the dominant culture (white people) in the West, have a theologically conservative worldview, and have never read a theologian of color before. It’s an excellent initial step.

If you are a person of color, read widely, and think theologically with a multi-ethnic inclusive lens, this book has helpful points but is triggering. The authors are writing from and to white audiences. The stories, examples, and methods of communication reflect that posture throughout the book.

It is a good book, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone of any ethnic background that is beyond the preliminaries of understanding diversity is scripture. If you at Stage 1, then this is a good starting point.

nootski's review against another edition

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Very interesting read. As a person born with "Western" eyes and ideology, this book challenged a lot of assumptions and gave me pause as an avid reader of God's Word. How I interpret it as Truth will not change, how I see it and read it through "cultural" eyes will.

_lildragon's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective medium-paced


danuvino's review against another edition

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great book! A must read for every western christian. The book is very basic, however, if cultural implications when reading biblical text is not familiar to you (which makes up the majority of westerners) this is definitely worth the read. This book is not going to give you new lenses to read, but will open your eyes to cultural blind spots you have, and thus propel you to start your journey towards learning to look via a different lens.

necessarybatman's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced


david_rawls's review against another edition

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The older I get in my faith the more I realize that I have many blinders on. The fact that I grew up in a Western culture and I am seeking to understand the Bible which was written in an Eastern culture makes for much work. This book is a good stepping stone for believers around the World to seek to work hard in trying to understand the Bible and understand one another. We need all cultures to help us in this journey.