murray_m's review against another edition

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Superb commentary

The date of origin of the Upanishads is unclear as they were initially oral teachings. This excellent translation gives them in their simple glory. The beauty and excellence of this edition is the commentary by Juan Mascaro, one who had penetrated the mystery of Brahman and these teachings. It is from his commentary that the deeper aspects of the timeless wisdom emerges.
For a further metaphysical treatment look for the book by Rene Guenon.

cameronius's review against another edition

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It's kinda difficult to rate a sacred Hindu text that has been handed down from the beginning of time. Nonetheless, there are things to think about deeply in this book and other things to tune out. One of those rare books that I may have appreciated more as a younger man.

maddandroid's review against another edition

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I actually read the Project Gutenberg release of this classic Indian text on Hinduism. It's a short 17,000 word translation by a Hindu mystic that visited Boston in 1909. Even though the translation is 90 years old it brought the message of the text to life for me, and the insightful commentary by the translator helped to get the message across of the book.

jer_is_reading's review against another edition

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There are some books that you read that feel as if they are speaking directly to you and leave an impression on you that will forever change the way you perceive the world. This was one of those books for me. It is a series of spiritual lessons that speak to the unity of all things, discussions that praise love, peace and the search for the divine.

soufirrix05's review against another edition

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Very interesting, uplifting and hopeful read, the upanishads certainly give you a lot of things to meditate and contemplate upon. It would be wonderful to be able to read it someday in the original sanskrit.

shoonalreads's review against another edition

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we are scaredt. perhaps reading this in sanskrit would make more sense 

drset's review against another edition

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Este libro no es más que un montón de charlatanerías místicas. No pude sacar casi nada de valor de él a pesar de que estaba muy interesado en el tema, sobre todo en la perspectiva de la realidad como la gran ilusión de Maya de la que hay que escapar.

No sé si se debe a que los Upanishads se ubican originalmente al final de cada Veda y yo no he leído más que algunos fragmentos de los mismos o a que el autor de esta traducción fallo en agregar una explicación apropiada a cada Upanishad en particular o simplemente a una mala traducción. Esta última posibilidad cobra peso si se tiene en cuenta que la introducción fue hecha por una persona que esta claramente influenciada por la religión cristiana y hace comparaciones e interpretaciones relativas a esta una y otra vez y que cuando leí el texto me impacto enormemente las similitudes del lenguaje y la metáforas empleados con el cristianismo al punto que, o los Upanishad tuvieron una influencia considerable en la religión cristiana o un traductor cristiano interpreto fuertemente el texto desde esa óptica. Vemos una y otra ves referencia a “limpiar nuestros pecados” o incluso cuestiones más específicas como que “elevarse por encima del deseo de tener hijos, riquezas y el mundo porque el deseo es vanidad” que parece sacado directamente del Libro del Eclesiastés en la biblia.

mescalero_at_bat's review against another edition

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don't know about this translation, but these texts are essential.

natalielanec's review against another edition

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Yoga is like, really old