
O homem mais rico da Babilónia by George S. Clason

jumattos's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Esperava mais

ihummarina's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


leticiaamaraujo's review against another edition

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O homem mais rico da babilônia é um livro que traz ensinamentos sobre os princípios básicos do dinheiro, focando pagamento de dívidas e enriquecimento baseado nas histórias de Arkad, que também traz sete soluções para enriquecer.
É um livro interessante mas achei meio boring, tive dificuldade de concluir a leitura, apesar de ser um livro pequeno.

raphaeldelio's review against another edition

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Too shallow. Bed time story

amnunes's review against another edition

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informative lighthearted relaxing fast-paced


ina_fab's review against another edition

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Daca ai deja cunostinte despre finante, probabil cartea asta nu-ti va aduce nimic nou. In zilele noastre sunt putine sanse sa nu fi informat despre acest subiect.

Informatia care merita retinuta la final este importanta economisirii, in ideea de 'a face banii sa lucreze pentru tine'. Aceasta a fost imbracata in povesti cu care nu am rezonat si mi s-au parut duse la extrem, insa deznodamantul este un indemn de aplicat, mai ales in societatea de consum actuala: aceea de a fi o persoana cumpatata.

medema22's review against another edition

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The first chapters of this book were really nice, the first two actually. But after that, everything went really awkward, the ideas inside of it started to be super similar with those of the capitalism. Eg: A good insurance will save you and your family or taking risks is sometimes the best decision even if you don’t have enough proofs about the credibility of the investments and so on. I’d give 4 stars only because of the main ideas that teach you how to control the money.
If it worths reading? For me it’s a yes!

dda9's review against another edition

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A wonderful book. I read reviews of "The Richest Man in Babylon" that derided it as simplistic drivel. I would counter that simplicity makes a lesson more effective, not less. Wisdom is often mocked by those with less of this precious commodity.

This book presents basics of financial success and success in life in general. If you are looking for a sophisticated manual of personal finance, this is not it. But if you want to understand the foundation of most success and wealth. Here it is. It is a fast read to boot!

hellonada's review against another edition

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lornbr's review against another edition

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Uma versão de Pai Rico, Pai Pobre da decada de 20.
Começou com uns panfletos que o autor, que era vendedor de seguro, distribuia para seus clientes com pequenas parabolas com historias para você melhorar sua vida financeira e virou o livro que é um punhado dessas historias contadas pelo "homem mais rico da Babilônia".
Se você já tem algum conhecimento financeiro, o livro não vai revolucionar sua vida, mas eu gosto de "auto-ajuda financeira" porque é sempre bom reforçar os alicerces.