byrenical's review against another edition

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Easy to understand, a little bit dated but still funny. However, I do believe Einstein shows a positive bias for rods and clocks, so I am led to assume he sold them in his spare time or had deals with rod and clock making companies. His whole theory could potentially just be an elaborate promotional ploy to sell rods.
Further investigation required.

aspiringorakle's review against another edition

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Barely understood it, but very cool.

peter_fischer's review against another edition

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This is supposed to be an ‘accessible’ version of Einstein’s relativity theories. I’m not so sure having read it, although I am a scientist. I doubt that there is an accessible version of Einstein’s less than intuitive theories.

chemical_crash's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


robbstarks's review against another edition

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“if you've never done anything wrong it's probably because you have never tried anything new.”

this was actually so interesting ,,,

sriniwhoreads_1027's review against another edition

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This is soo tough to read and hard to grasp the concept of the relativity….

cutlassmeatmouth's review against another edition

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This Einstein guy was real smart, but apparently not smart enough to explain relativity to my dumb ass. Truthfully it's not quite as accessible as it would have you believe. I have a college education and an interest in physics and mathematics, but I found the writing style to be just antiquated enough to obscure meaning. I'll probably read it again with the hope of gleaning perhaps 25% more meaning from it, or I may intervene by reading some kind of modern cliff notes version of it, we'll see.

fredrik_nk's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


painofboredom's review against another edition

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Presentation wise I'm not sure if it's anywhere as accessible as it's intended to be

Content wise obviously it's more interesting and fascinating than any sci fi could ever be

ibm's review against another edition

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challenging informative fast-paced
