
Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

bethg331's review against another edition

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Ok. This book was pure craziness! I was hesitant to read this book but everyone was talking about it so I had to. All I can say is that you have to push through to the end because everything is explained. Unfortunately for me I had just read a book with the same twist so I knew what the secret was going to be from the beginning since I saw some similarities. But that was okay. Even though I think the book would have wowed me more not knowing the secret, but this book still wowed me. Several times I said "what the heck?" Like I said, pure craziness! Once I read to part two I couldn't put it down. It was definitely different, but a good different.

ashema's review against another edition

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What did I just read?! I don’t even have words to review without giving it away. I was HOOKED from the first 2 pages and taken on a ride. All I can say is, even if you don’t like books with cheating- READ THIS.

tisha_s's review against another edition

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Well... this surprised me. Even after seeing all the reviews raving about how great it was, I remained a little skeptical.

I must admit, this exceeded my expectations. It took me a while to catch on to what was happening, but I did- even before part 3. AND without skimming ahead, which was a huge struggle.

After all the secrets were revealed I was curious on how this would end. And I’m very happy that it didn’t disappoint me. Especially since this felt like I was careening down a rollercoaster- so thank goodness it wasn’t anticlimactic in the end.

My heart did break for Lee and Brant.

And I did spend 99% of the story thinking of Layana as evil. Even at the end, she didn’t exactly redeem herself. Her selfishness irked me. And yea I know it all made sense at the end, but still in the moment her actions were self-indulgent.

jennaadams93's review against another edition

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This woman knows how to make a hell of a twist! Absolutely loved this book.

mizzan's review against another edition

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ARGH. Why make it so obvious?! It wasn't like it was difficult to work out the twist and the love triangle (coughed) peeved me off. No relatable characters, wasted time reading this book while i was sick.

Okay, that came out ranty, but it annoyed me.

riri_nka's review against another edition

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WTF was that??!!!

So, THE BIG SECRET, I wanted to know what THE BIG SECRET was and so I was reading and I was reading and I got bored and I was still reading and thinking YES YOU CAN DO IT, PAGE BY PAGE and then I didn’t even care about THE SECRET anymore, on and on so f*cking loooooong OMG..

Spoiler Brant and Lee are actually the same person, who has dissociative personality disorder
and it is probably the only thing I liked about this book.


readwritejoy's review against another edition

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This book was something, alright.
3.75-4 stars—mostly because it downright blew my mind.
No spoilers, but I will say I thought I had the book figured out. I thought it was going to be a predictable read that lets me down *eyeroll*. I was very confident I had it figured out.
I. Was. Very. Wrong.
I recommend this read just to get your mind blown in an utterly emotional and unexpected way.

dragonflyreads's review against another edition

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Definitely the best mind fuck I've ever read. I'm still reeling over this. It's a must-read and definitely a favorite.