
Black Water by Joyce Carol Oates

kimbofo's review against another edition

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This slim book is based on the infamous 1969 Chappaquiddick incident in which Senator Ted Kennedy’s car crashed into the water, killing his 28-year-old passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, who was trapped inside.

Oates transposes this real-life tragedy to a different time (the early 1990s) and place (Grayling Island, Maine), and tells it from the point of view of the female victim.

When 26-year-old Kelly Kelleher meets The Senator at a Fourth of July party she is immediately enamoured by him, not least because she wrote her thesis on him and his three campaigns for the Senate. She harbours a dream to work on his presidential campaign.

The much older politician (he’s in his 50s), who has been separated from his wife for 30 years, is immediately struck by the young blonde woman with the green eyes, and the pair hit it off, so much so that they exchange a secret kiss and then go for a long drive.

It’s during this drive, in a race to get to the last ferry that evening, that the Senator’s rented Toyota leaves the road, crashes through a barricade and ends upside-down in the brackish water. The Senator manages to escape, but Kelly is trapped inside, unable to get out because her legs are pinned by twisted metal.

To read this rest of my review, please visit my blog.

sikkpuppi's review against another edition

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Joyce Carol Oates se je z novelo Črna voda dotaknila resničnega dogodka iz leta 1969, ko je senator Ted Kennedy z avtom zapeljal z mostu v vodo, pri tem pa rešil zgolj svojo kožo, v avtomobilu pa je pustil mlado dekle, ki je v nesreči utonilo. Senator je za nesrečo povedal šele nekaj ur pozneje, zaradi česar se je po vsej državi sprožil val ogorčenja, saj so nekateri menili, da bi – če bi za nesrečo povedal takoj – dekle morda še lahko rešili. Senator je jo izjemno poceni odnesel.

"Če ne naredim tako, kot hoče, ne bo nobenega pozneje."

Avtorica je vzela okvir te znane zgodbe in dogajanje postavila kakšni dve desetletji pozneje, ko sta bila na političnem parketu Dukakis in Bush. Vse to pa je služilo zgolj za ozadje, saj se bralec potopi v izjemno intimno, ganljivo in bolečo pripoved zadnjih trenutkov dekleta, ki se je pustilo zapeljati družbi. Zgodilo se je prehitro, bilo je prelahko. Lahkomiselno si je dovolila prepustiti času, ki je jemal več talcev kot sprejemal gostov.

"Nekaj se bo zgodilo, česar ni mogoče ustaviti."

Ko se je dekletov mehurček razblinil, jo je prežemal samo še grozljiv, temačen, stiskajoč občutek utesnjenosti, nemoči, praznega upanja po rešitvi, v nalomljenih delčkih sekund, ki so zaudarjali po črni trohnobi zapuščenih močvirij, bencinu, urinu strahu, so se pred paničnimi očmi v deliriju odvijali trenutki pred nesrečo, ko so si negovane roke na prijateljičinem posestvu izmenjevale živobarvne koktejle, ohlajene vodke s tonikom, ki so se zlivale čez robove kozarcev, ko so se zagoreli obrazi pomembne družbe domačno božali po rokah in si izmenjevali radožive hrapave jezike, ko je dekle svoje nevajene mladostne prste igrivo zadirala v sipki obalni pesek, ko je na sprehodu ob razlivanju razpenjenih valov občudovala osivelega človeka, vplivneža z osupljivo modrimi očmi, ko se ji je že zdelo, da se je nebo odprlo samo zanjo, jo posrkalo vase in jo odvrglo na ta konec sveta v naročje moškega, ki je videl samo njo, samo njo, ko je imel večer še prave odtenke in blagozvočne poglede. Ko je imel še potencial.

"Tresla se je od napora in javkala kot bolan, prestrašen otročiček. Kot otrok, ki prosi: Pomagajte mi. Ne pozabite name. Tukaj sem."

V te boleče delčke zavoženega trenutka, ko ju je s senatorjem zaradi neprilagojene hitrosti, podžgane z alkoholom, presenetil zahrbtni ovinek, da sta bočno zgrmela v pozabljeno vodo, prav v ta trenutek, ko je senator, pojem nekdanje moškosti, slinasto ponavljal o bog o bog o bog o bog, ni vdirala samo katranasta, kačasta voda, ki je ukleščenemu dekletu najprej oblizovala telo, nato vrat, tilnik, svobodo mladosti, ampak tudi mozaični obrisi preteklosti, starševske prepletenosti poskusov odhajanja.

"Vendar je bilo, kot da je bolečina nekako odložena, kot misel, ki je še ne prepoznaš povsem, komaj jo je zaznavala, zato je vedela, da bo vse v redu, dokler bo lahko držala glavo nad pronicajočo črno vodo, ki je smrdela po kanalizacijskih odplakah in je bila mrzla, bolj mrzla, kot bi si v topli noči sredi poletja lahko predstavljala."

In dekle je odšlo ter se ujelo v mrežo naivnih sanj o sprejemanju, večnem dogajanju, lepoti. Ostal pa ji je le izginjajoč občutek, da je v vsej tej igri zgolj nemočna žrtev veliko močnejših od sebe. Politika in akterji v njej so bili na prvi pogled mamljivi, trdni, odločni, očetovski. Toda ko je pot nepričakovano zavila, je v rokah ostal samo še prah izdaje in pozabljenosti.

"Politika, barantanje z močjo. Eros, barantanje z močjo."

Poglavja si sledijo hitro kot kratke televizijske srhljivke, v katerih vsaka naslednja epizoda v stavku ali dveh povzame vso grozo, vso neizbežnost prejšnje, obenem pa je ta obup nadgrajen s težkimi besedami, ki kot agresivni, lačni mulj silijo v bralca in mu niti za trenutek ne pustijo dihati. Z živimi opisi dogajanja je podoživljanje dogodka ob branju klavstrofobično neprijetno, tempo je neizprosen, sili te naprej, naprej, naprej, ob tem pa skupaj z dekletom loviš sapo, zadnje trenutke zavedanja, zadnje trenutke tukaj. In ti zadnji trenutki oklepanja nevidnih bilk so tako močni, tako osebni, da se na trenutke ustrašiš, da se zgodba dogaja tebi. Tam, v črni vodi. Tam, kjer ni nikogar več.

Zgodba o dekletu, ki je samo želela biti tam. In je na koncu tam tudi ostala.

Mojstrsko. Mučno.

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heathero621's review

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challenging dark emotional informative reflective sad fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


This book is a fictional retelling of the Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick car accident that happened when he was a senator and a young woman died.  In this novel the book is told from the woman's (Kelly-not the real name of the person who died) point of view.  I didn't know much about the accident, just the bare bones, so I thought that this book gave me more clarity on that.  I thought that it was an interesting read, especially written from the woman's point of view.  It is super quick read.

uhoholen's review against another edition

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The amount of times i read the below phrases was extreme… to the point where I could predict when it was gonna be said next.
-“The car flew off the road”
-“her baptismal name was”
-“The Toyota”
-“and she died”

This felt like random assorted thoughts jumbled into a book with no order or structure. The accident was continuously replayed in an identical repetitive way throughout the book and the stories woven between didn’t give much more structure or purpose.

eamelia10187's review against another edition

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challenging dark tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


creekhiker's review against another edition

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Fictionalization of Ted Kennedy's accident which killed the young woman who was his passenger. How she wrote this without getting sued for defamation of character is astonishing. I guess, in this case, the power of the Oates trumps the power of the Kennedy.

stillatourist's review against another edition

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dark tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


conner_h's review against another edition

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I had never heard of the Chappaquiddick Incident or Joyce Carol Oates before this book, and since the subject didn't really interest me it probably wasn't the best choice for me to read out of this author's sprawling literary bibliography. But while I was never enamored with the story being told, (a fictionalization of a real-life incident in the vein of "In Cold Blood), I was floored by this author's mastery of her art form. Ms. Oates writes beautifully and her stream-of-consciousness imagery is absolutely gorgeous. I want to read something else by Oates, and now being aware of the sheer number of books this woman has written, next time I will be more selective in finding one with a subject I will enjoy more.

decklededges's review against another edition

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dark emotional reflective sad slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No


angelaonmars's review

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reflective sad fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
