bonzoobel's reviews
307 reviews

A Children's Bible by Lydia Millet

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this isn't a perfect book by any stretch of the imagination, but i'm giving it 5 stars for a kind of solid cli-fi dystopia that i could read without getting a panic attack. thank you lydia miller

i've owned and had this book on my dresser for upwards of 3 years now and i'm so happy i finalllyyyy finished it. really sweet and interesting. i liked the humor of the kids. i don't mind that they're all kind of archetypal. i think it works for the limited-language kind of style and the amount of space in the topic that they were granted. this is allegory this is a parable this isn't a character study and i'm cool with that.
The Stone Wētā by Octavia Cade

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i love seeing biological sciences in fiction and especially enjoy organisms assigned to characters. i think this is marketed wrong. this book is more character studies than anything else... the stakes were difficult to discern and the forces working against these people remained pretty ambiguous, but the characters are quickly endeared. my favorite was the glass sponge's story