gabriel2710's reviews
48 reviews

Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn

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A gripping beginning to a fantastic trilogy that was one of few cases where I couldn't sleep with how much I wanted to continue reading. Mara Jade and Grand Admiral Thrawn are two of the best Star Wars characters FULL STOP. In this book (their first appearances), they are absolutely incredible. All of the new characters are perfect. The returning characters are handled exceptionally well. The different storylines for the different teams of characters are all thrilling, but the sections between Luke and Mara were my absolute favourite.
Dark Force Rising by Timothy Zahn

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I was shocked to find out the middle of this trilogy was just as good as the first (in my opinion, at least). I quickly got through this book, cherishing every page. I was immensely excited to read the finale. This book has some thrilling action sequences, and Joruus C'baoth really shines in this one.
The Last Command by Timothy Zahn

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As far as I am into the Legends novels, this is easily my favourite. It is an incredible conclusion in which everything wraps up perfectly. The different plots are all intriguing in their own ways and manage to link up excellently at the end. All of the various plot threads, themes, and ideas explored in the trilogy are wrapped up by the end, and it makes for an amazingly satisfying read. I would absolutely recommend this specific set of books for ANY Star Wars fan who could enjoy a book. The action in this one is the best action I've read in a book, possibly, and kept me wanting to read over and over. It's truly hard to put down.
Jedi Search by Kevin J. Anderson

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A great beginning to another trilogy, I really enjoyed this one. Every little running story was great. I'll admit that I wasn't interested in Han and Chewie's story this time around at first, but it really picks up as it goes on and makes up for it in the end. I particularly enjoyed Luke's story in this. The feeling that he has massively matured is apparent throughout every page he is in, and it is great to see him become the Jedi he was supposed to.
Dark Apprentice by Kevin J. Anderson

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A good middle entry to the trilogy that gives a great insight into Luke's academy. I love Gantoris, Streen, and Kyp in this book especially. There is a moment with Kyp towards the end that seriously shocked and upset me (in a well-written way!)
Champions of the Force by Kevin J. Anderson

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Exar Kun is a pretty fun villain. I was bored by a lot of the time we spent with Jacen and Jaina, but the other stories were very good. Luke's was especially gripping, and I was a big fan of his students in this book particularly.
Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly

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I just finished reading this and can not explain how utterly disappointed I am. I felt the whole book was poorly written: characters not often feeling like themselves (Luke often expressing rage at small things); incredibly boring stories for each character; a love story I really WANTED to like but couldn't get into; new characters introduced without much time to get into them or care for them; and a bizarre and unsatisfactory conclusion. I hated reading this book. I hate being so negative, but I was severely disappointed with this book. Really off putting after having so much fun with these books.
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno

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At first, I wasn't so interested in this book. It is important to note that this isn't just about Darth Vader. It is both the story of Vader and a Jedi who survives order 66. Which is what confused and annoyed me at first. Quickly though, the books picks up with thrilling action acting as a great character study of Darth Vader and gives great insight into the Emperor, Vader, their relationship, and each other's thoughts, feelings, and motivations. A must-read for Star Wars fans that helps bridge the gap between the prequels and originals better than many of the shows and films do.
Darksaber by Kevin J. Anderson

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Good just not great really.