godsgayearth's reviews
1624 reviews

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
I hate to say it, but i knew something like this would happen. i bought this book more than a decade ago back when my interests truly bent in this form of history---but now evolutionary history isn't necessarily my jam anymore. the fact that i own this book puts a damper in the feeling of dropping it, whereas if this had been a library book, i'd be careless and not care so much. 

but. such things do happen, and i can't fault past me for not reading it sooner. 
The White Hotel by D. M. Thomas

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Did not finish book.
Tedious and dry. Attempted to read only because I suppose it's my life's quest to read most Booker Prize shortlist nominees. Too bad not all nominees can be a Hilary Mantel or Iris Murdoch novel.
Nicked by M.T. Anderson

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 " . . . I did not say it in judgment. We all want to sin. It is the only way we have of knowing the full measure of creation."

I must admit, my heart was not fully in it when I picked it up after I realized it was going to be a heist novel. The most action I read in a year all tend to come from James S.A. Corey and The Expanse series. But I was glad I kept reading, because I do enjoy rich historical settings filled with interesting characters (a monk, a treasure hunter, and a dog-man?). 

My favourite part, which comes as no surprise, is Nicephorus's retelling of the story of Saint Kassiani. Anything with true Romance and I'm there.

And I enjoy the many layers of the title. Nicked, because they tried to steal St. Nicholas' bones, nicked because stealing, and nicked, because Tyun is Like That. 
Women's Hotel by Daniel M. Lavery

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 it's always interesting to feel some sort of obligation when reading a book--a thing i felt in reading this one though for the life of me i would not be able to explain why. must be that i kept it far longer than i'm supposed to, and so i might as well read it, being overdue from the library and all.

the characters in the novel are varied and interesting, and i cannot decide its lack of apparent plot a strength or a lack. all the blurbs rejoice in how funny it is but i hardly laughed--until i reached the very end. also the prose is dry but appealing.

i was kind of annoyed by the felt need to include a note from the cover designer. but i am overall grouchy about pop culture making its way into my books. and when an artist has to explain their vision rather than have it be apparent--especially when it comes to books, which tend to be obvious and has no room for subtlety at the behest of the managing editors--it trips and falls flat on its face.