kailafitz's reviews
316 reviews

Night School by C.J. Daugherty

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Night School.

The day I finished it, I remember it being one of the best feelings after reading a book that I have ever gotten before.

Addicted is a term I use a lot. But having randomly found this book at the small, local library, I was high on how lucky I was and bought the rest on kindle and read them all the way through the night.

I was just, amazed.

Now I admit, the writing is not the most amazing but it being a debut for the author I could overlook some of the scenes as the plot practically blew my mind.

“It wasn't much, but it has always been home, with all of the emotional beauty that word implied. Now it just looked like every other house on the street.

Alyson Sheridan has been a mess for the past 18 months. After her latest stunt and a final trip from the police station, everyone has had enough. She's grieving and acting out but she's stuck. Before she ruins herself her parents finally look towards a place where later on, we see they wish they never had to, Cimmeria Academy.

“It's going to sound crazy. But I hate it here. And I kind of love it too.”

Cimmeria Academy is not a normal school. It's not any place that you'd put Allie in with her dyed, red hair and Doc Martens; it's old fashioned with beautiful architecture situated in the middle of nowhere as far as she can tell. Exclusive and apparently pretty unheard of but she has much to learn about the secrets that lie within. The history. The legacy. The war.

Just how important and influential and heard of Cimmeria Academy really is.

“He is powerful around here, and he's not going to be happy if he doesn't get what he wants. And what he wants is you.”

Sylvain Cassel is one of the most powerful students at Cimmeria. He is untouched, in that sense but also in the literal sense until Allie comes along. He's one of the few people she hits off with when she first arrives, showing her kindness when she needs it most. He's gorgeous in his French accent and good looks and Allie falls for him.

“I just met you Allie, but I can already tell you're awesome. And you might have a horrible family, but your life from now on is up to you.”

Jo Arringford quickly becomes a close friend to Allie as she helps Allie find her way in Cimmeria. She shows Allie what Cimmeria is all about and introduces her to a new group of friends. As a year round border, we learn that Jo's parents don't care about her and later on in the book we see how badly this effects her, has always affected her. She can be naive and misguided because of this weakness but generally she's fun and quirky and is always up for a laugh.

“Never be afraid to be honest.”

Carter West has been brought up at Cimmeria his whole life. He has a fiery personality but he proves to be a loyal friend to Allie. At first, Carter can't understand why Allie is at the elite school, and ends up being more of an ass to her than anything, but soon enough, everyone is asking the question and Allie can't help but wonder herself.

“The identities of those involved in Night School are secret.”

“ALL Night School activities are secret.

Night School. A secret society that plays a critical part in the fundamental principles of Cimmeria Academy. The students are told of it and warned to leave it alone to protect themselves from the extremes of what the club does, but Allie can't help but wonder what's really going on. Especially when a string of incidents leads to people injured and hurt and there's no denying that something is really wrong.

“None of this is real. It can't be real. None of this is real. It can't be real ...”

When the Summer ball comes around for the students, the night is truly unforgettable as an attack on the school leads to the death of one of Allie's friends as well as numerous injuries and a fire that ends the night in flames of chaos. With the turn of events, the shock and fear is instilled in the students as to who is behind this attack and will they strike again? Allie can't get her head around it but it's clear the Night School student know something and Allie wants to know.

“I really don't know where I am.”

The questions keep coming for Allie. Things are getting weird and she's starting to doubt where her place is. She's been lied to and being at Cimmeria doesn't seem to fit the whole series of events. Finding out who to trust is becoming blurry and dangerous as people aren't who she thought they were.

“With you on my side, Rachel, they don't stand a chance.”

Rachel Patel is a 'total geek', as she puts it. She's smart and genuine and becomes another close friend to Allie, especially when she's going through a rough time with Jo. She knows a lot about the students that attend Cimmeria and ends up helping Carter and Allie in finding out the real reason why Allie is attending Cimmera Academy.

“I'm in the middle of all of this.

A sick rumour. Another attack. Friends become foes.

Allie could be the center of all this as she finds her answer. Her status at the school, her long and unique family history, it's something she's yet to learn about, and it's got to be soon because the world outside is coming for them.

For her.

“I need to be faster and stronger. I need to know how to fight.”

Welcome to Night School.

“...Night School runs the world.”

So I fell in love with Night School. I love the mystery. The devastation. The action. The characters. The setting. I love this book!

I found the plot really interesting and a total page turner as the mysterious events turned more violent.

“What should I say? ‘Well, the murder was a little upsetting, and the fire did worry me a bit. I was nearly date-raped and my ex best friend is crazy. But, hey, at least I’m making an A in History’?”

I really loved Allie. She grew from being a careless punk to someone who started to give herself a real chance at living again in Cimmeria.
The book grew quite serious but still she's sixteen, thrown into all this and I just love her quirkiness. I found her really enjoyable to read. I found her real, a normal sixteen year old, naive but doesn't like taking crap. There was certain stuff she was going to be able to handle and others that were going to put her on the spot.

I found a genuineness in all of the characters to be honest which for me rounded the story as I could connect with them and where they were at in the story.

“The voice in her head told her not to trust him. But then, the voice in her head didn't trust anyone.”

This book brought out my craving for boarding school books. I have constantly been on the look out for another series like it; the secret society and the ancient boarding school with mystery and danger.

From reading the rest of the series, it gets a whole lot better.

“Her eyes fluttered open. She was lying in Sylvain's lap, his arms tight around her. She reached up and touched his face wonderingly.
"Why are you crying?" she whispered.
He didn't answer. Instead he rocked her like a baby, his face in her hair. Listening to her breathe.”

Okay so there's a triangle. Blah blah so what, the characters are great!!

They are their own people too in a sort of way. We can't love them all as everyone sees people differently. We judge characters like people but we should also accept them in the same way.

ANYWAY, point being that whatever way it works out, the mixed signals from both Sylvain and Carter also add a sense of mystery as with one, the other is always there and it's crazy because they are both such intricate characters.

I've never come across a series where it goes from one guy to another. And then back again. AND THEN AGAIN. It just became so interesting and I just grew to love all of them.

“Trouble was her default setting.”

I enjoyed this book so much, it's one of my babies, with unconditional love. So yes it has its faults but I'll always keep it close.

“Carter and Allie save the world.”
Resistance by C.J. Daugherty

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Night School has been my favourite book series since I randomly came across the first book in a library last year. I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH. It's so good how the love story keeps going back and forth without seeming stupid or dragged out. The mystery keeps coming and the situation much more and more dangerous with Nathaniel. THE ENDING...... JUST.....OH GOD. Yes the ending is freaking me out and I'm not really handling it well whenever I think about it. Rachel.... I have a feeling something is going on between her and Nicole.... and poor Sylvain! I'm thinking he'll take over for his father and Allie with take over for Lucinda eventually and then they'll be like world leaders. So um yeah. Epic. Just love Night School. A Lot.