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112 reviews
Metamorfozė by Franz Kafka
Metamorfozė 11-30 done
Galima vabalo personažą suprasti netiesiogiai...
Tai gali būti sunkiai sergantis žmogus. Vėžiu. Aišku, kad vilties labai nedaug, bet ji vis dar kvailai erzistuoja. Jautriausias šeimos (griežė smuiku, domėjosi menu) narys ligonių rūpinasi. Bet ligoniui gęstant, bet vis dar ne mirštant, tik akivaizdžiai kankinantis - viltys gęsta, su jomis ateina pyktis, dėl nebeįvykstančių pažadų (sesers svajonė mokytis). Ligonio skausmas vargina namiškius nemažiau už jo pačio skausmą. Nuolatinis rūpinimasis vargina ir galiausiai ima atrodyti, kad kaip skaudu ne būtų kančios užbaigtos gali būti tik vienu būdu. Mirtimi. Išsilavinimu ir ramybę, pavadinkime taip, kad Tim žmogui būtų ramiau gyventi...
Metamorfozė - gyvūnų vystymosi etapas, kai organizmas kardinaliai pakeičia savo formą, gyvenimo būdą...
Negi Gregoras visą tą laiką ir buvo vabzdys, ne žmogus? O viena diena ir atsivertė iki galo...
Metamorfozė — virsmas, kurį patyrė Gregoras, suvokęs savo skurdžią egzsitenciją ir bejėgiškumą.
Vabalas (Gregoras) — neįgalumo, mažumos simbolis. Tai yra kažkas, ko kiti nesupranta, nemyli, bijo.
Pienas ir duona — pagarbos simbolis.
Pusiau supuvęs maistas, kurį atnešia 2 k. per dieną — nepagarbos, moralinės degradacijos simbolis.
Nuomininkai — visuomenė, ryšys ir susvetėjimas su ja bei artimaisiais (žr. Albert Camus Svetimas).
Amorali knyga. Šeima — sociopatai. Gregoras juos išlaikė, bet dabar, kai jam reikia paramos, jie jį atstumia, nori atsikratyti, nužudyti. O, kai Gregoras mirė, nejautė gailesčio
Ką norėjo pasakyti Kafka?
Tu esi toks, koks save matai, kaip save prisistatai ir įvertini.
Visi gali būti niekšais, netgi šeima.
Jeigu tu kitiems tarnauji už dyką ir iš kitų nieko neprašai, būsi išnaudojamas.
Turi išsakyti savo jausmus ir neužsidaryti nuo kitų.
Būdamas nelaisvas negali jaustis laimingas.
Galima vabalo personažą suprasti netiesiogiai...
Tai gali būti sunkiai sergantis žmogus. Vėžiu. Aišku, kad vilties labai nedaug, bet ji vis dar kvailai erzistuoja. Jautriausias šeimos (griežė smuiku, domėjosi menu) narys ligonių rūpinasi. Bet ligoniui gęstant, bet vis dar ne mirštant, tik akivaizdžiai kankinantis - viltys gęsta, su jomis ateina pyktis, dėl nebeįvykstančių pažadų (sesers svajonė mokytis). Ligonio skausmas vargina namiškius nemažiau už jo pačio skausmą. Nuolatinis rūpinimasis vargina ir galiausiai ima atrodyti, kad kaip skaudu ne būtų kančios užbaigtos gali būti tik vienu būdu. Mirtimi. Išsilavinimu ir ramybę, pavadinkime taip, kad Tim žmogui būtų ramiau gyventi...
Metamorfozė - gyvūnų vystymosi etapas, kai organizmas kardinaliai pakeičia savo formą, gyvenimo būdą...
Negi Gregoras visą tą laiką ir buvo vabzdys, ne žmogus? O viena diena ir atsivertė iki galo...
Metamorfozė — virsmas, kurį patyrė Gregoras, suvokęs savo skurdžią egzsitenciją ir bejėgiškumą.
Vabalas (Gregoras) — neįgalumo, mažumos simbolis. Tai yra kažkas, ko kiti nesupranta, nemyli, bijo.
Pienas ir duona — pagarbos simbolis.
Pusiau supuvęs maistas, kurį atnešia 2 k. per dieną — nepagarbos, moralinės degradacijos simbolis.
Nuomininkai — visuomenė, ryšys ir susvetėjimas su ja bei artimaisiais (žr. Albert Camus Svetimas).
Amorali knyga. Šeima — sociopatai. Gregoras juos išlaikė, bet dabar, kai jam reikia paramos, jie jį atstumia, nori atsikratyti, nužudyti. O, kai Gregoras mirė, nejautė gailesčio
Ką norėjo pasakyti Kafka?
Tu esi toks, koks save matai, kaip save prisistatai ir įvertini.
Visi gali būti niekšais, netgi šeima.
Jeigu tu kitiems tarnauji už dyką ir iš kitų nieko neprašai, būsi išnaudojamas.
Turi išsakyti savo jausmus ir neužsidaryti nuo kitų.
Būdamas nelaisvas negali jaustis laimingas.
We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
Did not finish book. Stopped at 2%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 2%.
It looks like you need C1 for this book and mine is just an B1...
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
If you liked this book, be good and don't read this review...
I warned you.
What a crazy "old man". No other words...
I'm sure as hell I don't want to play anymore and find that old crap. How sure of yourself, how rich and bored you have to be to pretend to be a homeless man and "steal" money from a poor girl...
Another book is another example if you're rich you can create secret tunes, wooden grounds that disappear, and a closet that can be opened by pushing a wall. This book doesn't cross with logic and physics.
A random number graved on a tree - symbol.
Random XX on painting, that could very well be just years of the painting - symbol.
This book gives me trust issues... after this book name "Emily" became a swearing word. If I start a book in which there are this name... Oh help me it would better be a bad book, because I couldn't read it.
And that b* Rebecca... 🤡😑
There was the romance?
Like /Lisa (lh44's version)/ said "Jameson and Grayson have as much flavor as boiled chicken" and I can't agree more.
Am I supposed to fall in love because they are rich and fleck their muscles here and there? For fuck sake, I never thought that I will say this but "Where the f* is personality".
They're both obsessed about dead Emily, move on guys 😬.
If I didn't listen to this book as an audiobook. I would have dnf it.
There are so many things I could add. I doubt it would be a good one...
Also the end...
For f🤠🤠 sake I know that Harry has to be used in book from the page one. Like you can help a homeless man without getting anything in return... Nahhh... The end was expected and irritated me.
I used "🤠" and it made me even more angry. It reminds me of Nash. And what is wrong with that guy? Why he is a cowboy? Did he hurt his head and gain a personality issue?
I warned you.
What a crazy "old man". No other words...
I'm sure as hell I don't want to play anymore and find that old crap. How sure of yourself, how rich and bored you have to be to pretend to be a homeless man and "steal" money from a poor girl...
Another book is another example if you're rich you can create secret tunes, wooden grounds that disappear, and a closet that can be opened by pushing a wall. This book doesn't cross with logic and physics.
A random number graved on a tree - symbol.
Random XX on painting, that could very well be just years of the painting - symbol.
This book gives me trust issues... after this book name "Emily" became a swearing word. If I start a book in which there are this name... Oh help me it would better be a bad book, because I couldn't read it.
And that b* Rebecca... 🤡😑
There was the romance?
Like /Lisa (lh44's version)/ said "Jameson and Grayson have as much flavor as boiled chicken" and I can't agree more.
Am I supposed to fall in love because they are rich and fleck their muscles here and there? For fuck sake, I never thought that I will say this but "Where the f* is personality".
They're both obsessed about dead Emily, move on guys 😬.
If I didn't listen to this book as an audiobook. I would have dnf it.
There are so many things I could add. I doubt it would be a good one...
Also the end...
For f🤠🤠 sake I know that Harry has to be used in book from the page one. Like you can help a homeless man without getting anything in return... Nahhh... The end was expected and irritated me.
I used "🤠" and it made me even more angry. It reminds me of Nash. And what is wrong with that guy? Why he is a cowboy? Did he hurt his head and gain a personality issue?
Crave by Tracy Wolff
1. I wouldn't mind if this book was half or even twice as short as she was. If I read it and didn't listen to the audio, while I was sick, I think I would have done it. Even though in the end I'm kind of happy that it was how it was.
2. I didn't like that in half of the book main character was clueless and no one explained to her shit.
3. I needed a book that is not very important, especially when you are sick and fall asleep while listening, but oh well I got better I started to go with my phone everywhere... So it IS interesting.
4. Some scenes were "wtf", and some were cute. I didn't expect that YA could have so much romance.
5. The fighting scene in the last chapters was intriguing...
6. I kind of spoiled a little bit with Fanart. But now I'm intrigued as to what will happen next. J just hopes that Grace can be happier with "someone else".
7. Idk. but Grace and J - something is not it. I liked them at first, but idk... J is not the best. I would much like Grace would have a better relationship, not a toxic one with H.
1. I wouldn't mind if this book was half or even twice as short as she was. If I read it and didn't listen to the audio, while I was sick, I think I would have done it. Even though in the end I'm kind of happy that it was how it was.
2. I didn't like that in half of the book main character was clueless and no one explained to her shit.
3. I needed a book that is not very important, especially when you are sick and fall asleep while listening, but oh well I got better I started to go with my phone everywhere... So it IS interesting.
4. Some scenes were "wtf", and some were cute. I didn't expect that YA could have so much romance.
5. The fighting scene in the last chapters was intriguing...
6. I kind of spoiled a little bit with Fanart. But now I'm intrigued as to what will happen next. J just hopes that Grace can be happier with "someone else".
7. Idk. but Grace and J - something is not it. I liked them at first, but idk... J is not the best. I would much like Grace would have a better relationship, not a toxic one with H.