katg88's review against another edition

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This little book is brilliant - I loved it! Favourite recipe/story was, without question, "Rich Chocolate Cake a la Irvine Welsh."

shedoestherobot's review against another edition

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Quite clever.

adancingfool's review against another edition

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Hilarious, and abundantly clever. Recipes told in the writing style of famous authors. Check out my updates for specifics. I particularly liked Raymond chandler, frank Kafka, gg Marquez, marquis de Sade, and homer. If I try any of the recipes I'll let you know how they turned out!

onekat's review against another edition

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This was a very cute and witty book.

Essentially, it is a collection of short stories where each short story is written in a style inspired by a great writer.

trin's review against another edition

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Recipes written in the style of famous authors, from [a:Jane Austen|1265|Jane Austen|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1176491679p2/1265.jpg] to [a:Raymond Chandler|1377|Raymond Chandler|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1206535318p2/1377.jpg], [a:Gabriel García Márquez|13450|Gabriel García Márquez|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1217356613p2/13450.jpg] to the [a:Marquis de Sade|30031|D.A.F. Marquis de Sade|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1198587965p2/30031.jpg]. I read it more for the literary humor than the cooking advice, as I am a miserable chef. Even discounting that, I think it would be a bit of a challenge to reproduce some of these recipes, as you’d have to pick the instructions out of, say, complicated passages of Borgesian prose; I have trouble following normal cookbook instructions. Crick’s pastiches are sort of gently amusing, however—he captures the variety of styles fairly well, and the little foodie adventures are not lacking entertainment value in their own right. Crick’s illustrations are quite fun, too. A good gift-type book.

meerablack's review against another edition

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funny informative lighthearted medium-paced


sve100's review against another edition

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Приятни упражнения по стил - рецепти, написани с почерка на известни автори. Пълнените обезкостени пилета на Маркиз дьо Сад и Шоколадовата торта на Ървин Уелш ми бяха най-вкусни :)

elisala's review against another edition

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Toute une série de recette écrites suivant le style de différents auteurs.

Le principe est rigolo, le résutat l'est aussi pas mal.
Je ne sais pas si je reconnais vraiment le style des auteurs dans les recettes (en tout cas pour les auteurs que j'ai déjà lus), mais la succession des styles, bien différents les uns des autres, de chaque recette, chacune complétée par une illustration, également "à la façon de", m'a vraiment bien plu!
En plus les recettes sont tentantes, ce qui n'est pas le moindre défaut de ce livre...

mazza57's review against another edition

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what a clever concept a book of recipes written as some of the greats of Literature might have written them. Rather than a numbered recipe each one is written as a short story, if you like. I particluarly enjoyed the Irvine Welsh - Chocolate Cake "there's nae need to beat the eggs: the 1422 from King's Cross goes by the windae and stirs every fuckin thing including me"

Marquis de Sade - : "should not the supreme aim of gastronomy be to untangle the confusion of ideas that confront mankind"e rabbit

Homer's recipe follows odysseus stalking and killing the rabbit and Chaucer gives us his recipe in verse after recapping what has gone before.

A little more than an hour's read but also a useful recipe book if you wanted to try some cooking.

lottpoet's review against another edition

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funny informative medium-paced
